1 teaspoon of cumin seed powder
1 cup of boiling water
Cumin seeds help soothe upset stomachs, reduce bloating and improve digestion. It also helps to clear toxins from the body and boost immunity.
Place the teaspoon of cumin seed powder into a mug and pour in boiling water.
Stir until all the powder is dissolved with a spoon or whisk.
Allow the tea to steep for 10 minutes before straining it and discarding the solid residue.
Serve warm and allow your baby to sip the tea slowly.
Serve up to 3 times a day or as needed for stomach discomfort.
If your baby does not respond to this remedy, consult with your healthcare provider.
Note: This is only meant to be used as an alternative remedy and it is not intended to replace any medical advice provided by your doctor. Always make sure to consult with a healthcare provider before giving any form of treatment to your baby.
This recipe is not suitable for babies under the age of one year old. Please use caution when using cumin seed powder in young infants and seek medical advice from your healthcare practitioner first.